We accept patient on to our list who live with a 6 mile radius from the location of the Health Centre.
If you are currently with another N.I practice you only need to complete a short HS200 form in the practice and provide some ID documents with your address.
If you have never been registered with the NHS system there is a updated HSC/R1 form which must be completed. This is available in the practice.
You can also view this information on the Business Services Organisation (N.I) website for information.
Until it is confirmed that you are accepted you must continue to use the services of your last GP, if you have one and to request your prescriptions through that surgery.
We expect patients to attend an initial health check with one of our clinical staff so we can obtain your medical history.
Patients must treat our staff with respect and courtesy and our staff must do likewise when dealing with you. Please be patient as it is difficult to meet all your requests all of the time but we will listen and advise you of what we can do for you.